Monday, September 23, 2019

Problem with names on "Person Buttons" after upgrade to iOS 13

The iOS 13 upgrade for iPhones and iPads has caused a problem with Trip Splitter's row of Person Buttons. The row is visible in the item expense screen (a row of buttons for Payers and a row of buttons for Splitters), on the main item item list at the bottom (if Settings/Display/Simpler UI = NO) and in the New and Edit Trip screen where the participants of the trip are defined.

The problem causes the person's name to be shifted to the left by a button. The first person buttton's name is actually off the screen to the left, the second person's name is over the first person button, etc.

The problem does not affect the functionality of Trip Splitter in terms of accurately tracking expenses, as long as you mentally shift the person names right onto their correct buttons when defining payers and splitters for expenses. It might be a good time to take a photo of each person to assign to their buttons (My Trips/Edit Trip).

We will be fixing this problem, but updates take a long time.


  1. I just discovered this problem when changing phones and going to iOS 13.

    Any date for a fix?
